Mortgage Blog

Cost to Sell a Home?

Weighing the costs of repairs and remodels against how much you can sell your home for is a hard decision to make. If you’re not ready to sell, we can look at restructuring your current financing to better work for you. #thehelpfulLO #home #house #listreports #homeowner #realestate #loanofficer #icanhelp #homereno #homediy #happyhome #mortgagemack

What is the One Feature!

Kitchen island, in ground pool & hot tub, built in steam room – isn’t it fun to think about dream home features? If you could add any one thing to your current home right now what would it be? Tell me in my comments. #thehelpfulLO #home #dreamhome #house #listreports #homeowners #homeowner #loanofficer #realestate #dream #mortgagemack

Going UP?

Whether that means buying a new home or making major additions to your current home, I’m here to talk you through all of your financial options. #thehelpfulLO #home #house #listreports #homeowner #realestate #icanhelp #homereno #newhome #growingfamily #themoreyouknow #finances #loanofficer #mortgagemack

100% Return at Resale

It’s easy to boost your home’s value with a few simple fixes, like updating your garage door. If you’re ready to take on bigger home projects and want to explore your refi options send me a message! #thehelpfulagent #home #houseexpert #house #listreports #homeowner #hometips #loanofficer #homereno #homediy #smartmoney #icanhelp #mortgagemack

A Little Help from My Friends

Did you know, 32% of first-time buyers received a gift or loan from a relative or friend towards the downpayment of their home purchase? Who are the people who have helped you get where you want to go? #thehelpfulLO #home #house #listreports #homeowner #househunting #helpful #icanhelp #realestate #investment #smartmoney #finances #mortgagemack

Coming Home…

The feeling of coming home is one of the best feelings in the world. What is your favorite thing about walking through your front door after a long day away? #thehelpfulLO #home #house #listreports #gohome #happyhome #homeowners #loanofficer #icanhelp #realestate #letsgohome #dreamhome #mortgagemack

Save on Utilities

You may have wondered, “How much home can I afford?”, but bigger isn’t always better. Buying a small home could allow you to buy in a location you couldn’t otherwise afford. There are plenty of ways to make your mortgage work for you. I’m here to answer whatever questions you have. #thehelpfulLO #home #house #listreports #homeowner #househunting #smallhouse #realestate #themoreyouknow #icanhelp #loanofficer #smartmoney #mortgagemack

Fun Fact

My goal is to provide expert mortgage advice so that next year, you can be celebrating National Own Your Home Day from the comfort of your dream home! Sound impossible? Send me a message so we can sit down together and get started today. #thehelpfulLO #home #house #listreports #homeowner #realestate #happyhome #dreamhome #happy #icanhelp #loanofficer #househunting #mortgagemack

Home Buying is Hard

There is a lot to know about buying a home and so many things that can go wrong, be as prepared as possible by working with a loan officer who really knows their stuff. Work with me! I can answer all of your questions and my trusted real estate contacts can become your trusted real estate contacts. #thehelpfulLO #home #house #listreports #homeowner #realestate #househunting #themoreyouknow #icanhelp #mortgagemack

Home Ownership Challenges

Saving for a down payment is important, but doesn’t have to be as daunting as it sounds. Message me to learn more about the homebuying process. #thehelpfulLO #home #house #listreports #homeowner #savings #finances #icanhelp #smartmoney #realestate #househunting #loanofficer #mortgagemack